Sonic Superstars is a 2023 platform game developed by Arzest and Sonic Team and published by Sega. It features side-scrolling gameplay similar to the Sonic the Hedgehog games released for the Sega Genesis in the 1990s.

I was tasked to model a high version of the props and backgrounds. The models were used for the campaign video trailer for the game.

Sonic Superstar Game

It was an incredible experience working together with the project managers and directors to create these props and backgrounds. I was in charge of modeling and texturing all of the background assets including the cliffs at the back and all models in front. I am very proud of the outcome of the props and background for this game video trailer.

Egg Mobil

The personal vehicle of Dr. Eggman.

I modeled and textured this high-resolution version of an existing vehicle from the game that was used for the trailer.

Marvelous Queen Pod

The Marvelous Queen is a pod-like air bike.

I modeled and textured this high-resolution version of an existing vehicle from the game that was used for the trailer.

It was an incredible experience working together with the concept artists and directors to create this character. I was in charge of modeling this character to be able for parts to be rigged and animated properly. Working together with the rigging artist was a great experience. Props to the great animators who worked on the amazing movements. I am very proud of the outcome of the character.

Feel free to give me any feedback or inquiries.