Adarnia is a 3D CG animated sci-fi short film about the once utopian ancient city called Adarnia. Overthrown by a ruthless military leader, the now totalitarian state and its army of android soldiers find themselves interrupted by the sudden appearance of a mysterious intruder.  These soldiers chase the masked biker from the well-guarded city to the uncharted outskirts of Adarnia, revealing the intruder's true identity, purpose, and a glimpse into the deep history of Adarnia's sci-fi world.

Adarnia : A sci-fi shortfilm

Chaos ensues when a transport vehicle carrying an odd prisoner gets ambushed by masked vigilantes.

Animated short film by Clemhyn Escosora, creator of the sci-fi short-film Adarnia. A passion project with original music and sound design by Anastasios Katsaris.

The Odd One

A family in the 1890s suddenly found themselves visited by a peculiar visitor. Is it a visitor from Earth or somewhere familiar? It is an original short film written, created, and directed by Clemhyn Escosora. The short film was made in 3D made to look like both 2D style and 3D style animation. The short got great reviews and comments when it premiered online on the famous CG Animation channel "TheCGBros" on youtube.

A familiar visitor

Solo: A Turtle story. A young lad struggles socially yet finds happiness with his friends through dance. But the truth comes out when reality finally sinks in.


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